Der Herbst naht und zeigt, dass ich hier nicht nur die nahezu unerträglich heißen Temperaturen der der ersten Semesterwochen erwarten darf. Die Temperaturen fallen in den niedrigen zweistelligen Bereich und von Zeit zu Zeit wird es auch recht stürmisch.
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abandoned campus over fall break |
In Sachen Schule war die vergangene Woche nicht mehr besonders ereignisreich, die Physik Zwischenprüfung habe ich gut überstanden. Glücklicherweise habe ich nicht wirklich Hausaufgaben, die währen der Ferien erledigt werden müssten, so kann ich die Zeit doch tatsächlich nutzen um etwas zu entspannen und meinen Schlafhaushalt wieder auszugleichen.
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Skype Party |
Ein kleines Highlight wartete dann noch am Ende der Woche. Anlässlich meines Geburtstags Anfang der Woche hatte ich mich mit ein paar Freuden von zuhause zum Skypen verabredet. Auch wenn ich natürlich sehr gerne persönlich mit euch gefeiert hätte, war das zumindest ein kleiner Trost.
Fall is coming and it turns out, I will soon have to deal with quite different conditions from the unbearable hot temperatures of the first weeks of this semester. The temperatures have dropped to the low double-digit range and occasionally it also gets quite stormy.
Alongside the first falling leaves und the first storms, fall break has found its way to Haverford. The campus is half abandoned, anyone who can went home. The few people who are left, are either on one of the sports teams which are in practice or among a hand full of students who are from places to far away to go home for one week. All the places around campus where you can normally meet people at any time during the day are now empty. For us, who stay, that also means cooking for ourselves, as the dining centre is also closed.
Concerning school the last week hasn't brought much new, I made it through my physics midterm. Fortunately I don't have any homework that needs to be done during the break, so I can actually relax a little bit and rebalance the amount of sleep I get.
As usual, field hockey was on the schedule on last Wednesday and Saturday. Even though we performed outstandingly well on both games there was no way past the #4 and #5 of the ranking and we got edged 2-0 twice. If we can keep up with the speed of play, the precision and the understanding of tactics, for the rest of the season though, I am confident that we will be able to add some wins to our record.
A little highlight of the week was waiting on Sunday. In celebration of my birthday earlier last week, a few friends from home gathered to hold a little skype party. Even though I would have loved to be at home and celebrate with you guys this was at least making up for some of it.
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