Sorry, das ich so lange gebraucht habe mich mal wieder zu melden, aber die vergangen Wochen waren ebenso stressig wie ereignisreich. Damit ich euch nichts schuldig bleibe ein kleiner abriss was ich so alles in den letzten Wochen gemacht habe.
Die Folgewoche war dann natürlich etwas stressiger, denn, weil ich verständlicherweise in Florida besseres zu tun hatte als Hausaufgaben zu machen, war einiges an Arbeit liegen geblieben. Das ließ sich zwar irgendwie bewältigen, ist aber einer der Gründe, warum ihr so lange nichts von mir gehört habt. Die Arbeitslast wurde geringer als wir am Donnerstag frei wegen Schneefall bekamen. Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich nicht so ganz verstanden, warum wegen ca. 12 cm Schnee gleich alles dicht machen musste, aber sei's drum, ich werde mich nicht beschweren. So konnte ich den Tag nutzen um einen Essay anzufangen und die liegengeblieben Aufgaben aufzuarbeiten.
Am folgenden Wochenende ging es dann weiter mit pfeifen. Finaltag beim Hallenturnier, das ich etwas weiter außerhalb von Philadelphia schon in den Wochen davor gepfiffen hatte. Ich hatte ein paar ganz ansprechend Spiele und auch hier gibt neben sehr guter Verpflegung ein paar Dollar die ich als Forschungsassistent hier am College nicht so schnell verdienen kann.
Das wäre es dann für dieses Mal, das sollte ja wohl erstmal lang genug sein. Ich hoffe dazu in der Zukunft etwas häufiger zu kommen, aber ich kann es leider nicht versprechen.
Sorry, it took me so long to get back to you again. But the past few weeks have been as eventful as stressful. Thus here is a little overview what I have been up to during the past few weeks.
First I need to mentioned that I am suntanned again, as I went to Florida two weeks ago. This time it drew me two the Gulf Cost more precisely to Sarasota. Of course I wouldn't go if I had to pay myself but as US Field Hockey pays the bill for me I am more than happy to spend a few days in warm weather. In addition I most certainly won't say no to the little compensation that we receive. Due to an error in the hotel reservations I ended up with a suite with a king size bed all to myself. Of course there was a bit of umpiring on the agenda, but this time not as much as in November in Palm Springs. That's why there was also a little more leisure time to be spend. I was traveling with Paige again. We went to the beach twice and I actually went actually swimming this time. However, the absolute highlight was a delivery as Chinese food. Due to some unfortunate circumstances we stranded in the Chinese restaurant to which we had gone for dinner and had to search for a way back to the hotel on the first evening. The young delivery guy from the restaurant kindly offered us to drop us of at the hotel and so we came to enjoy a short and very funny tour through Sarasota.
The following week was then consequently a little more stressful, because as I understandably had better things to do in Florida than homework some work had been carried over. I was somehow able to coped with it, but it is one of the reasons why you have not heard from me for so long. The workload was lowered when got a snow day on Thursday. To be honest, I have not quite understood, why one had to shut everything down because of about five inches (12 cm) of snow, but so be it. I won't complain. So I could use the day to work up some of the piled up work and get started on an essay.
On the next weekend I went to umpire again. Final day at the indoor tournament, which I had umpired already the weeks before a little further outside of Philadelphia. I had a few quite appealing games and also earned, besides very good food, a few dollars I couldn't earn as quickly as a research assistant at college.
Then the past week, this time no snow day, but a much more exciting trip to Princeton last Tuesday. To answer the question why the heck I went an hour and a half to New Jersey: I was there for work. In the course of my astro research project I had a meeting in Princeton together with my professor. Since this professor himself was a student and later a professor at Princeton, I was able to enjoy a very personal campus tour, as we were a bit early to our meeting. The meeting with a PhD student from South Africa and a professor from the UK was very successful and productive and there will probably be more meetings in the future. However, I also had to realize that I still have a lot to learn until I will be able to understand everything in the conversation between the professors. Anyways, I felt much better as even the PhD student occasionally looked slightly confused. At the end of the day, I went out to dinner with a couple of other PhD students and professors from Princeton and one who taught at Haverford until last semester and happened to be in Princeton for a talk. One might think that dinner with a bunch of astrophysicists may not be the most fun, but the atmosphere was very relaxed and the group was quite well mixed, so the conversation touched on a variety of topics. The best thing also in this case: Princeton paid, so I could afford a restaurant in which I would probably not have gone otherwise.
And now one midterm exam in physics later it is Friday night and I have finally found time to write again. Oh, I almost forgot, I recently got my own workplace in one of the labs equipped a great 32" screen with docking for my MacBook, so I am now almost always working in the basement of the science building. It is quite and I got this nice computer workplace, finally two screens again.
That's it for this time, I think that should be enough for now. I hope I will be able to post a little more frequently in the future, but I can't promise.
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