Zum Abschluss möchte ich gerne noch ein kurzes Gebet loswerden, inspiriert durch die Debatte der US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten von heute Nacht. Eigentlich fällt mir nich viel dazu ein, was da heute von sich gegeben wurde, außer: "Herr Gott, bitte lass Hirn vom Himmel regnen, oder Steine, aber Hauptsache du triffst!" Tatsächlich würden weniger persönlichkeitszentrierte Argumente und mehr Inhalten dem ganzen sicherlich gut tun, aber dafür lohnt es sich nicht mal zu beten,
My weekly blog post is slightly delayed for this week as I didn't find time to take a few minutes of to write until now.
I have been in the US for more than a month now and as time progresses experiences pile up that I would probably have missed back in Germany. Leaving aside the things I came here for, like small classes, more or less free choice of which classes I wanted to take etc. there are so many more things that I didn't even think about. For example the one-on-one meetings with my Physics Professor which have become almost regular practice on Fridays to go over the new set of homework problems and remove any possible source of ambiguity. Or to spend two hours at the Computer Science Teaching Lab at 10pm on a Sunday night to help out a fellow student who is - one day before the assignments are due - still poking around in the dark concerning the algorithms for this week. But also every day looking forward to picking up the fight against the windmills of (totally understandable) daily routine at field hockey practice, only to be dragged around campus from one event to another by a fellow students whom I told to watch out for her defensive behavior just hours ago. It also includes finally finishing the campus odyssey at a party that (under normal circumstances) I wouldn't have visited. Once there, the rest of the field hockey team awaits me with fluorescent colors and I am just glad that I went for a simple white shirt. Obviously also the rest of the night progresses in ways in which it would never have back home...
One might ask whether the filed hockey team had something to celebrate, e.g the first two wins in a row. Unfortunately, the trend continues and a win on Wednesday was followed by a loss on Saturday, at least there was no shame in this loss and we can be proud of our performance this time. At this point I would like to subsequently deliver my father's comment on last weekend's game, that he watched online: "Well, the second half was at least thrilling!"
Inspired by the debate of the presidential candidates tonight I would like to end with a short prayer. There is not much to say about what was said there tonight, but: "Please God, let it rain brain from the sky, or stones, but make sure you hit!" In fact a less person centered argument and more contents would definitely benefit the debate, but that is not even worth praying for.